MOHAG MeetingBroker Update
function sf() { document.ContactForm.first_name.focus(); }
function SetDLCString() { document.forms[0].description.value = "DLC Submission= "; }
function PopulateDLCFields(theForm) { if (theForm.chkDLCSubmission.checked) { theForm.dlcfirst_name.value = theForm.first_name.value; theForm.dlclast_name.value = theForm.last_name.value; theForm.dlcemail.value =; theForm.dlcphone.value =; theForm.street.focus(); } else { theForm.dlcfirst_name.value = ""; theForm.dlclast_name.value = ""; theForm.dlcemail.value = ""; theForm.dlcphone.value = ""; theForm.dlcfirst_name.focus(); } }
function validateEmailv2(email) {
if (email.length <= 0) { return true; } var splitted = email.match("^(.+)@(.+)$"); if (splitted == null) return false; if (splitted[1] != null) { var regexp_user = /^\"?[\w-_\.]*\"?$/; if (splitted[1].match(regexp_user) == null) return false; } if (splitted[2] != null) { var regexp_domain = /^[\w-\.]*\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/; if (splitted[2].match(regexp_domain) == null) { var regexp_ip = /^\[\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\]$/; if (splitted[2].match(regexp_ip) == null) return false; } // if return true; } return false; } function Validate(theForm) { if (theForm.first_name.value == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"First Name\" field."); theForm.first_name.focus(); return (false); } if (theForm.first_name.value.length < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"First Name\" field."); theForm.first_name.focus(); return (false); } if (theForm.last_name.value == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Last Name\" field."); theForm.last_name.focus(); return (false); } if (theForm.last_name.value.length < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"Last Name\" field."); theForm.last_name.focus(); return (false); } if ( == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Company\" field.");; return (false); } if ( < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"Company\" field.");; return (false); } if ( == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Email\" field.");; return (false); } if ( < 1) { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Email\" field.");; return (false); } if (theForm.street.value == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Address\" field."); theForm.street.focus(); return (false); } if (theForm.street.length < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"Address\" field."); theForm.street.focus(); return (false); } if ( == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"City\" field.");; return (false); } if ( < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"City\" field.");; return (false); } if ( == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Country\" field.");; return (false); } if ( < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"Country\" field.");; return (false); } if (theForm.ZipCode.value == "") { alert("Please enter a value for the \"Postal Code\" field."); theForm.ZipCode.focus(); return (false); } if (theForm.ZipCode.length < 1) { alert("Please enter at least 1 characters in the \"Postal Code\" field."); theForm.ZipCode.focus(); return (false); } if (document.forms[0].elements[15].value == "") { alert("Please choose a value for the \"Property Change in Meetingbroker\" field."); document.forms[0].elements[15].focus(); return (false); } theForm.description.value = "\nProperty Postal Code = " + theForm.ZipCode.value theForm.description.value = theForm.description.value + "\nDLC Name = " + theForm.dlcfirst_name.value + " " + theForm.dlclast_name.value + "\nEMail = " + theForm.dlcemail.value + "\nPhone = " + theForm.dlcphone.value; theForm.description.value = theForm.description.value + "\nCurrency Code = " + theForm.CurrencyCode.value + "\nUnits of Measure = " + theForm.Units1.value + " and " + theForm.Units2.value; theForm.description.value = theForm.description.value + "\nTime Zone = " + theForm.TimeZone.value; theForm.description.value = theForm.description.value + "\nLanguage = " + theForm.Language.value; theForm.description.value = theForm.description.value + "\nDate Format = " + theForm.DateFormat.value; theForm.description.value = theForm.description.value + "\nComments = " + theForm.SubmitterComments.value; return (true); }
MOHG MeetingBroker Update Form