Hospitality Market Reports, Insights and Trends

This comprehensive hospitality market report hub is designed to help build strong, data-driven revenue strategies to attract guests or visitors with the world’s most comprehensive travel data and media services.

On this page, you’ll find reports powered by Amadeus Business Intelligence data, offering insight into global market performance and booking trends.


February 2025 bookings & occupancy

Using Amadeus’ Demand360® forward-looking occupancy data, access an overview of hotel booking and occupational trends worldwide:

  • Forward-looking occupancy data
  • Current state of the hospitality industry
  • Booking lead times, channels and pace
  • Data per country and continent
  • And more!
    PropertyOverview2024 (1)

    Your property performance

    Would you like to receive your own hotel’s performance against your competition?

    Request your free property-level demand and agency data "Snapshot" reports (powered by Amadeus Demand360 and Agency360 business intelligence solutions).

    Understand better how your property stacks up against the competition on ADR, rates, occupancy, and agency booking dynamics.

    Group & event trends

    Gain a comprehensive overview of key drivers of US hotel performance, including group, corporate, and GDS bookings, as well as meeting and event insights.

    The Hospitality Group & Business Performance Index offers a detailed view of US industry activity, comparing quarterly figures to 2019 performance.

    Click on image for preview

    New Dehli Destination Insights-2024

    Top weekly destinations

    Find out which markets are capturing the most demand with our weekly rankings of the top global markets by region.

    Our Weekly Market Insight Report provides hoteliers and industry professionals with detailed insights into booking trends, featuring forward-looking data specific to your local area.

    We are also closely tracking 50 markets with on-the-books reservation data extracted directly from hotels partners.

    Top 10 global markets

    Find out which markets are capturing the most demand with our weekly rankings of the top global markets by region.

    Our Amadeus Hospitality Market Health Index with top performing markets: Global, Asia, Canada, Caribbean, Europe, Greater China, Latin America, Middle East/Africa, South Pacific, United States.

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    Short-term rental trends

    Short-term rentals and alternative accommodations continue to profit from their “home away from home” feel, with the numbers to prove it. In this context, it is interesting to gain deeper insight into this rapidly expanding world of short-term rentals.

    In this Top 10 Alternative Accommodations Markets report, you will be able to view the top short-term rental markets by region and compare trends week over week to understand how short-term rentals may be impacting your market.


    Ready, set, leverage hospitality market insights!

    Market insights and data play a foundational role in helping hotels to maximize bookings and revenue. Adapting to changing market trends, leveraging the right data sources, and basing your strategies on the right data are all necessary ingredients to craft the right strategies that attract and retain more travelers to your hotel or destination.

    You can also access our other comprehensive guides:

    We wish you a lot of success in your market insights strategies, and do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss how to kick-start or optimize your hotel or destination's data strategies.

    Hospitality Market Report February 2025

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