Contact Education & Training

Do you have questions about our training?
Do you have feedback about your learning experience?
Do you need to request a login for Amadeus Learning Universe?

We want to know about your learning experience

Is there a question we haven’t answered about training? Do you have feedback on your personal learning experience?

Each time you complete a course we sometimes offer a survey to gather your feedback, but you may want to say more. We appreciate your important feedback and will personally answer your email.

Email us or complete our feedback form.

Do you have a product-specific question?

If you need to know how to perform an action and did not find the assistance you needed under that product’s training or online help,  then please contact Customer Support. Customer Support is the fastest way to get a response to your question.

Amadeus Learning Universe Login Request

To register for Amadeus Learning Universe, you must be a current customer of Amadeus Hospitality with an existing subscription to one of our Hospitality products.

For your security, universal domain email addresses including but not limited to Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook are prohibited.

Complete the following form if you are requesting access to Amadeus Learning Universe for training on a specific Hospitality product. Please be aware it may take up to 2 business days to process your request. Note: If you already have an Amadeus Learning Universe login, there is no need to complete this form. Click Amadeus Learning Universe and type your username and password.

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